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Recognition for Your Service

Does the State of Vermont Provide any Recognition to Veterans?

Yes. The state operates the following programs to show its appreciation to our veterans.

Vermont’s Medals for Veterans

Vermont has three medals that recognize those who served who have a connection with our state. They are:

  • The Vermont Veterans Medal is awarded to most veterans with an honorable discharge.
  • The Vermont Distinguished Service Medal is awarded to veterans who received an honorable discharge and who served in a combat theater.
  • The Patriots Medal is presented to the next-of-kin of Vermont soldiers killed in action.

Distribution of the Veterans Medal and Distinguished Service Medal is not automatic. Veterans must apply for them, or have someone apply on their behalf.

Applicants can choose to receive the medals in the mail, or they can choose to participate in an annual medal presentation ceremony at the Vermont State House, with medals delivered by the Governor. The family members of deceased veterans may also receive the medals.

  • Vermont Office of Veterans Affairs (In State Toll Free) - (888) 666-9844
  • Vermont Office of Veterans Affairs - (802) 828-3379

High School Diplomas for Veterans

Veterans who served during World War II, the Korean War era, or the Vietnam War Era can also receive a high school diploma if they have never received one. Applicants can choose to receive their diploma from any Vermont public school. After the Office of Veterans Affairs verifies eligibility, it passes the application along to the appropriate high school, who will make presentation arrangements with the applicant.

  • Vermont Office of Veterans Affairs (In State Toll Free) - (888) 666-9844
  • Vermont Office of Veterans Affairs - (802) 828-3379

License Plates for Veterans

Veterans can display a Veterans License Plate on their vehicle. The plates are available for standard cars and trucks and motorcycles. Verification of service is done by the Office of Veterans Affairs.

If you are registering your vehicle in person at the Montpelier Department of Motor Vehicles, the Office of Veterans Affairs can verify your eligibility in person, as they are located next door to the DMV. You could bring your application and supporting documents to any DMV.  Please us this application to apply. You will need to provide a DD214 as proof of service to the Office of Veterans Affairs for the plate you want for your vehicle.  Keep in mind, you can apply for a Veterans License Plate at any time. You don’t have to wait until you reregister your vehicle.

In addition to the Veterans Plate, the DMV has a selection of different veteran related plates, including a Purple Heart Plate, Former Prisoner of War Plate, and Pearl Harbor Survivor Plate. The DMV also has plates for several veteran organizations, including the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Vietnam Veterans of America. Applications for the plates in this section are made directly with the DMV.

Veterans in Vermont can get a VETERAN designation on their Driver's License!

  • Department of Motor Vehicles - (802) 828-2000
  • Vermont Office of Veterans Affairs (In State Toll Free) - (888) 666-9844
  • Vermont Office of Veterans Affairs - (802) 828-3379

Memorial Day Ceremony

Each year the state has a Memorial Day observance ceremony at the Vermont Veterans Memorial Cemetery on May 30th at 3:00 p.m.  Contact the Office of Veterans Affairs for information about the ceremony.

  • Vermont Office of Veterans Affairs (In State Toll Free) - (888) 666-9844
  • Vermont Office of Veterans Affairs - (802) 828-3379

Veterans Day Parade

Each year the state provides the Boy Scouts of America funds to organize the state’s Veterans Day Parade. The parade is held the first Saturday of November, and the location changes from year to year. Contact the Boy Scouts of America for information about the parade.

What Other Programs Recognize Veterans Service

The following federal programs also recognize and honor veterans.

Replacement Military Decorations

The federal government will send veterans or their next of kin with the medals they received during their service. More information on how to get these medal is available at the National Archives’ Website.

Cold War Service Certificates

Veterans who served during the Cold War (from the end of World War II until the collapse of the Soviet Union) can receive a certificate of appreciation from the federal government. Applications are processed by the U.S. Army Human Resources Command.

Quilts of Valor

Quilts of Valor are presented to Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom veterans who are receiving medical care from the White River Junction VA Medical Center. The quilts are made out of appreciation, admiration and respect for their service to our country. The quilts are presented several times a year in a ceremony at the medical center. To receive a quilt, contact the medical center’s eligibility office.

White River Junction Eligibility Office, Handling Quilts of Valor Requests - (866) 687-8387 extension 5889