Here are some of the programs administered by the Office of Veterans Affairs. Most of these links will take you to pages within the Veteran Services Directory that will have information about the program and how to apply.
Assistance Applying for VA Disability Benefits
Veterans applying for Disability Compensation or Improved Pension from the federal VA should not try it alone. Our certified service officers will complete the application and ensure the VA has all the information needed to process it, which will increase the chances of success and help prevent delays. Call to make an appointment 802-828-3379 VA Disability Benefits.
High School Diplomas
Veterans of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam and received an honorable discharge; and do not have a high school diploma may receive one from the public school of their choice. High School Diploma Application
Property Tax Exemption
Veterans with 50% or greater service-connected disability or who are receiving Improved Pension are eligible for a property tax reduction. Some surviving spouses of these disabled veterans are also eligible. Verification of eligibility is done by the Office of Veterans Affairs. Property Tax Application Information
Verification of military service is required for nearly every veteran benefit. We maintain nearly 200,000 discharge records from World War I to the present. If a veteran entered the military from Vermont, a copy of the DD214 was probably sent to our office when they separated.
Vermont Medals
The State of Vermont provides three medals to show its appreciation for military service. The Vermont Veterans Medal is awarded to most veterans with an honorable discharge. The Vermont Distinguished Service Medal is awarded to veterans who received an honorable discharge and served in a combat theater. The Patriot's Medal is presented to the next-of-kin of Vermont soldiers killed in action. Applicants can choose to have the medal(s) mailed to them or may have their medal(s) presented in a ceremony with a state official, usually at the State House in November. Veterans Medal and Distinguished Service Medal Application
Vermont Veterans Fund
New in 2011, this program provides grants to individuals and organizations who help veterans in Vermont.
Vermont Veterans Memorial Cemetery
Our office operates the state's veteran cemetery located in Randolph Center. It is a beautiful location that honors the service of our veterans by providing them perpetual recognition. The cemetery isn't just for veterans, though, as veteran's spouses and some dependents are also eligible for burial. Vermont Veterans Memorial Cemetery - Eligibility Application Please call us at 802-828-3379 for more detailed information. Vermont Veterans Memorial Cemetery Map Guidelines
Veteran Assistance Fund
Veterans facing economic hardship may be eligible to receive a one-time payment to help pay for critical needs, such as housing and utilities. To apply, call the office at 802-828-3379. Staff will also refer applicants to other programs for further assistance. You may call 211 for assistance as a resident of Vermont.
Veteran Status for DMV
Learn about the plates that recognize military service and veteran status on your license or non-driver ID... all of which are for no additional charge. Verification of service is done by the Office of Veterans Affairs. Military License Plates Information Vermont Certificate of Veteran Status Application
Hunting/Fishing Licenses; Green Mountain Passes
60% service-connected disabled veterans have earned a free hunting or fishing license. You will need to obtain a verification (summary of benefits) letter from the White River Jct. VA 802-295-9363 x5335 before submitting your license application. Call 802-828-1190 for the hunting/fishing license.
Any Vermont resident who is a veteran who has been honorably discharged from active duty in US armed services, is eligible for a lifetime day entry pass into the parks called the Green Mountain Passport - contact your local town clerk.